What is Baptism?

Christian baptism is an outward sign of an inward change.  It symbolizes the cleansing of sins, a washing-away of the old self.  It’s also a symbolic representation of our dying to sin and being resurrected to new life in Christ.  Christian baptism is an important part of the process of following Christ and it is validated by a lifestyle of obedience to Christ.

At Crossings Community Church, we practice baptism by immersion.  The Greek word for baptism is baptizo, which means to immerse or dip under (Acts 8:26-39).  Jesus himself was baptized by being immersed (Matthew 3:13-17) so we follow the example He gave us through his own life.

Who Should Be Baptized?

We recommend that all persons who have recently committed their lives to Christ, returned to God after being separated from Him, or were perhaps baptized as children, make the decision to publicly proclaim their life in Christ through the experience of baptism.

How Do I Get Baptized?

If you're interested in finding out more about being baptized at Crossings, we encourage you to talk to Pastor Keith and attend the Baptism Class which is held the week prior to each Baptism Celebration.

We are currently planning for our next Baptism service open to children, teenagers and adults. 

For more information about Baptism, please contact Pastor Keith Wilkins:
(407) 324-5433